Monday 29 October 2012

Transactional relationship

You have a transactional relationship in which you have to perform tasks, buy her things, "be nice to her," or give into her demands in order to receive love and affection from her. You don't feel loved and appreciated for who you are, but for what you do for her or buy her.


You're constantly on edge, walking on eggshells, and waiting for the other shoe to drop. This is a trauma response. You're being traumatized by her behavior. Because you can't predict her responses, you become hypervigilant to any change in her mood or potential outburst, which leaves you in a perpetual state of anxiety and possibly fear.
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Monday 8 October 2012


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A marriage without showing respect for each other won't last. I know deep inside we love each other. But putting in efforts to display respect for your s.o. in daily things like conversations is very important to maintain harmony and balance. No one likes to be treated harshly by s.o.
Life is hard, but it is always manageable. But without respect and tenderness from s.o., even a materially satisfied life has no meaning. I rather be single.

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Wednesday 3 October 2012

Cherish life my bro.

Cousin, 28, jumped last week. While we have not kept in touch for long time, i do remember we played when he was just 2-3 years old, and he was super cute baby. I don't know him anymore than I know a stranger now, but sadness is there afterall we are related.

28 is very young. So much to live. Sigh.

Bro, whatever you were thinking when you made this choice, I do not know, but this is very hurtful to your mum. She's a good person and do not deserve this pain. I remembered how much she doted you when you were a small toddler.

R.I.P. Brother. I am sure you will watch over your mum from wherever you are.

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Monday 1 October 2012